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Rules and Code of Conduct



A>  By signing the Medical and Enrolment Form, the parents/guardians/participants agreed with this Terms and Conditions of Wimbledon Gymnastics Centre (WGC) and SPONTE SUA LTD (SSL) and declare that the information provided on the form is accurate and up to date.         Any changes will be notified to WGC - SSL-  immediately.  


B> FEES:  The Parents or participants shall pay the Annual Membership and the Term Fee before the termly deadline in order to reserve             the same class for the following term.  After the deadline the club reserves the right to charge 10% on top of the term fee to all regular       children who made late payments. As well as that unpaid places might be offered to new clients.

If you pay after the deadline, we recommend to contact the office to check the new availability and the fees.                                                          All payments received once the term has started will incur an extra adminsitration cost of £10.

If  attending a trial class, the rest of the payment must be made 24 hours after the trial class to secure the place.

The Trial class and annual membership are not refundable. The trial class can not be changed for another day. 

Annual Membership: The club's annual membership runs from September to the end of August of the following year. 

Each July, in order to book the classes for the Autumn term, the fees for the membership has to be made together with term fees to reserve         the place.

B-1> If your child can not continue the following term, it has to be notified by email -once the new registration is opened- in order to not                 be liable of any extra fee from the new term.


C> Insurance: The gymnast must have the British Gymnastics membership up to date to attend the gymnastics classes at WGC -SSL-.


D>  Consumers have the right to withdraw the Term Fee during the first 14 days from the date the transaction has been made. The fees           can not be refunded, nor credited after the term/classes has been started.


E>  In case there is any missing class regarding a medical condition, call the office to see if it is possible to recover the missing class.                   If there is a place available to recover a missed class, a medical certificate will be required. For any other particular reason (Holidays,             birthday parties, etc.) WGC will not provide extra recovering classes.         

In the event that the class has to be canceled by the company, WGC will provide at least 2 different sessions to recover the class. In this         case no refund will be available.  If the class cannot be recovered from WGC,  a credit for the next term will be provided.      


F> The Parents/Guardians/Participants/Coaches shall indemnify and keep indemnified Wimbledon Gymnastics Centre- SSL- against all           loss of liability, profit, cost and expenses, which WGC may incur directly or indirectly as a consequence of any action or inaction of the         Parent, Participant and/or Coaches, Assistants or Directors or any Staff.


G> WGC has no responsibility in any expense, loss or damage incurred by a participant/coach/parent during  the class and/or in the premises. 


H> All parents/guardians/Adult participants/coaches must sign in and out every session.


I>  Agreeing to this Terms and Conditions you shall not during the training with WGC-SSL- or after the termination  of the agreement,         disclose to any other person or any other third party who may be involved in the same or similar  business as WGC of the confidential             matter or information relating to the club or persons at the club in any matter whatsoever.


J> Wimbledon Gymnastics Centre will not accept any kind of rudeness or misbehaviour of any participant/parent/coach/ and the person       involved will be require to leave the premises.  


K>  In case of an incident has been occurred, the parent and/or coach can claim against WGC -SSL- within 30 days of  the date of the       incident has taken place. The claim has to be made in writing. If any claim is received after this period of time, WGC -SSL- reserves the         rights to negate such claim.

L> Website format. Please note that full information can be found in our main website format for Computers, tablets or laptops.                          We have reduced and simplified the information shown in the mobile's format.


2- TRIAL CLASSES for children:


A> We recommend to attend a trial class on the same day and class that your child wants to commit during the term.

     The club office will only offer a trial class if a place is available to continue during the term.

B> The trial classes will be withing a regular class. Trial classes are not separated. 

C> All Trial classes -all ages- are drop off.

D> Gymnastics and Dance Classes trial class uniform: Girls t-shirt and leggings or a leotard if you already have. Boys T-shirt and shorts.

      Fitness: T-shirt, sports shorts or leggings.

     Jewellery: Same rules will be applied to the trial classes. Please see Participants obligartions.

E> Once the term has started no changes of classes in days or times can be made. In the case that the compamy has some places         available and the company agrees to change the class day or time, an admin fee will be requested for this change.

F> The trial class fee has to be paid in advance prior to the trial class date and it is not refundable or exchangable. 

G> During the trial class the children will be assessed: the skills execution and technique, how well can interact and behave with the           coaches and other children in the class, if understand the explanation of the coach, how fast can improve in the technique execution,                   if can attend the training without the parents or tutors inside the gymnastics centre -mainly for children under 6 y/o-.

H> All trials and recreational classes are run for 1 hour.

I> After the trial class the places offered will be reserved for 48 hours. Please complete and transfer the rest of the term fees during this       period to reserve your child permanent place.


3- TRIAL CLASSES for Adults:


A> We recommend to attend a trial class on the same day and class that you want to commit during the term.

     The club office will only offer a trial class if a place is available to continue during the term.

B> The trial classes will be withing a regular class. Trial classes are not separated. 

C> All Trial classes are for the participants only and family can not remain around the sport hall. The clubs/schools does not have a            waiting area to stay or watch.

D> Gmnastics Classes trial class uniform: Ladies: t-shirt and leggings or a leotard if you have. Men: T-shirt and sport shorts.

     NO Jewellery: Same rules will be applied to the trial classes. Please see Participants obligartions.

E> Once the term has started no changes of classes in days or times can be made. In the case that the compamy has some places         available and the company agrees to change the class day or time, an admin fee will be requested for this change.

F> The trial class fee has to be paid in advance -at least 48hrs-  prior to the trial class date and it is not refundable or exchangable

G> During the trial class you will be assessed: the skills execution, your physical condition and gymnastics skills technique. Inside the           group lesson you will receive general and individual corrections acording your execution.

H> All trials and recreational classes have a duration of 1 hour.

I> IMPORTANT: Please follow the coach's instruction and teaching during the class for your own safety. It takes time to achieve new             skills. Attempting skills that you might have done in the past or you have never tried before can put at risk your and the coach's safety. 

J> After the trial class the places offered will be reserved for 48 hours. Please complete and transfer the rest of the term fees during                  this period to reserve your permanent place.





A>  Children and participants shall not enter into the training area without a coach being present or to work into an apparatus without                the coach supervision.

B> Participants shall be on time to the classes, ready to start. Late arrivals will not be accepting in the classes. ​

C> Participants are not allowed to leave the premises without permission from the Head Coach or coaches for security reasons.​

D> The participants/coaches have to notify to the Head Coach or Director of any particular situation of the  participant/coach that could          affect the daily training. In case of suffering from any contagious disease the  child/participant must not attend the class.  

E> Wimbledon Gymnastics  reserves the rights to exclude of the centre any participant for a limited or indefinitely time, in case of breaking       the rules of safety and/or wellbeing.  Racist behaviour, physical or mental abuse, insults, rudeness, bulling are prohibited  by any gymnast.​​​

F>  No jewellery or accessories (including watches, necklace, rings, belts, bracelets, etc.) must be worn during the class. If earing can               not be taken off, it has to be covered with a plaster. If religions bracelet can not be taken off it has to be covered with a sport wrist band.

G> Participants should respect the club coaches, accredited tutors, staff and other gymnasts during the trainings.

When representing Wimbledon Gymnastics and Sponte Sua Gym at competitions, galas/shows, festivals and any other official event, must   being professional and respectful at all times.

H>  Gymnasts Uniform: GIRLS:  WGC leotards, if wearing leggings or shorts (It has to be plain navy or black appropriated for Gymnastics   ideally velour, cotton is acceptable but no Lycra), may wear gymnastics shoes. Hair well tied up, no plastic or metal headbands.

                                      BOYS: WGC leotards and shorts. May wear WGC T-shirts, gymnastics shoes or bear feet.   




A> All parents shall provide a contactable phone number when the children are in the class.  ​

B> All children must be brought and picked up from the Sponte Sua Gym reception area by their parents/guardian. ​

C> The classes are drop off for all the groups.​

D> The parents/guardians must arrive to the reception area to pick up their child/children before the class finishes.  ​

E> WGC -SSL- is not responsible for children under 18yo in the changing rooms or premises before or after their regular classes. 

Before and after the classes and while on the premises, the children are under the responsibility of their parents/guardians.​​

F> WGC -SSL- is not responsible for the children (out of their training sessions) who arrive and leave the training premises on their own.       WGC requires a previous written authorisation from the parents/guardians allowing their children to arrive and leave the centre on their own.​

G> In case of more than 10min. delay in the picked up, the parents will be charged for extra time: Up to 30 min. delay: £10. From 30 min to 1 hr. delay: £20. More than 1 hs delay: £30.        ​

H> Parents, guardians or friends are required to leave the training area once the class starts. The classes are a drop off  so we recommend     the parent not to stay around the training area for a better and safety training of the children. The children are not completely focused if they    can see parents around the gym halls during the lessons.  ​

I> Photography and Filming: It is not permitted to take pictures or film your own child/children or any other participant or coach during the    regular classes. During the club's events and open parents classes you can take pictures or film only to your child/children.

J> Parents must give support to their children and not put them under pressure about their improvement. Every child improves in a different  way.

K> The parents must inform the club if the child will continue or not the following term, once the information of the new term has been sent, before the deadline which is stated in the new term information attachment.




A> Coaches/Accredited Tutors shall be on time to the classes, ready to start and  must never leave the groups 

unattended at any time in the gymnastics facilities/halls.​

B> Coaches/Accredited Tutors need to teach according their BG level and support the gymnasts correctly according the skills and situations.​

C> The coaches/Accredited Tutors have to notify to the Head Coach or Director of any particular situation of the coach that could affect   the daily training. In case of suffering from any contagious disease the  child/participant must not attend the class. 

D>  No jewellery or accessories (including watches, necklace, rings, belts, bracelets, etc.) must be worn during the class.  ​

E> Uniform: WGC T-shirt, Polo and tracksuit pants. Long hair tied up. Trainers, gymnastics shoes.  ​

F> Coaches/Accredtited Tutors need to be at all time correctly dress, clean and tidy.​

G> Coaches/Acredited Tutors should know their training lesson plans in advance, before the classes start.


  For any other a​dditional information contact WGC at

Wimbledon Gymnastics & Dance Centre

The Show house, Merton Abbey Mills.

SW19 2RD

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             Satellite Venues in Wimbledon by SSG

Rhythmic Gymnastics                  Artistic Gymnastics

Harris Academy Wimbledon                     Morley Park Pavilion 

High Path, South Wimbledon.                Ursuline School fields

SW19 2JY                                              Cottenham Park Road

                                                                                 SW20 0SZ

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