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Monday Minis 3 to 4 y.o 4.00 to 4.45pm ^
Tuesday Minis 3 to 4 y.o 11.00 to 11.45am +
Tuesday Minis 3 to 6 y.o 4.00 to 4.55pm
Tuesday Junior 7 to 10 y.o 5.00 to 5.55pm
Tuesday Adults 17+ y.o 7.35 to 8.35pm
Friday Minis 3 to 4 y.o 11.30am to 12.15pm ^
Friday Min- Jun 4 to 7 y.o 4.30 to 5.55pm*.
Friday Jun-Sup 8 to 16 y.o 6.00 to 7.25pm*
Saturday @(HA) Min-Jun 4 to 7 y.o 12.35pm to 1.30pm
Saturday @(HA) Junior 7 to 9 y.o 11.00am to 12.30pm *
Saturday @(HA) Sup-Teen 10 to 17 y.o 9.30am to 10.55am *
^ Gym-Dance classes. We deliver a combine class of Rhythmic gymnastics and Dance to offer the little children an adecuate class to help with their physical, coordination and creativity development.
+ Discovery Gymnastics. A combine class of Rhythmic and Artistic gymnastics for little children in development age to build their coordination, strenght and flexibility.
* Intermediate Groups -Development Squad- Open to gymnasts willing to train more than 1 hr a day.
@(HA): Saturday classes are run at Harris Academy Wimbledon by Sponte Sua Gym. We combine the weekly training classes of technique and gymnastics skills with the Saturday training focusing mainly on difficulties for squads groups.